Математическое моделирование, компьютерный и натурный эксперимент в естественных науках
Электронный научный журнал

Физико-математические науки
Asymptotic equations of gas dynamics
Velmisov P.A. 1, Tamarova Yu.A. 1

1. Ulyanovsk State Technical University


In this article asymptotic expansions for the velocity potential are proposed, on the basis of which the asymptotic equations of gas dynamics for irrotational isentropic flows of an ideal gas are derived: the equation of linear theory, nonlinear equations for supersonic and transonic flows. The obtained equations differ from the known ones by taking into account the perturbation transverse to the main flow. For an asymptotic transonic equation that takes into account transverse perturbations, some exact particular solutions are indicated. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ https://doi.org/10.24411/2541-9269-2020-10105

Keywords: supersonic flows, transonic flows, aerodynamics, asymptotic expansion, particular solutions, partial differential equations

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