Математическое моделирование, компьютерный и натурный эксперимент в естественных науках
Электронный научный журнал

Физико-математические науки
Thermoelastoplastic deformation of circle sandwich plate on elastic foundation
Yarovaya A.V. 1

1. Belarusian State University of Transport


Thermoelastic bending of elastoplastic sandwich circular plate with light filler lying on elastic foundation is considered. For the description of kinematics of package with asymmetrical thickness the broken normal hypothesis was accepted. Reaction of foundation was described on the base of Winkler’s model. The equilibrium equations are derived using the Variational method of Lagrange, take into account the work of the filler in the tangential direction. Analytic solution to the problem of the theory of small elastoplastic strains obtained by the method of elastic solutions. Numerical results for sandwich metal-polymeric plate were adduced.

Keywords: thermo-force loading, plasticity, sandwich circular plate, light filler, elastic foundation

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